Well, hello again! It’s been a while. What’s new with me, you ask? I’m a mom now, for one thing. For another, I definitely don’t have as much time to read. It’s a big adjustment all around. But I’m excited to be back, and though I probably won’t be able to post as often (at least for now), I am going to make every effort to post regularly again.
Before we jump into books, I’m sure you’re curious: our little boy, Henry, was born almost a week early on December 7. It was a whirlwind of a day, and we were so excited to meet him at the end! Here we are at the hospital, the day after he was born:

We’ve been home now for almost 2 months — wow, time is really flying by! — and we’re all still figuring things out. (There's something new every day!) He recently started smiling though, and that definitely makes all the hard work worth it ☺️
Obviously, my TBR is going to be a bit less ambitious than it was in the past. (In fact, I’ve reduced my annual reading goal by about half, just until I can get back in the groove.) But I’m still hoping to tackle a few books this month, at least. Let’s get to it!