Today’s Top Ten Tuesday topic is Books That Make Me Hungry… honestly, at this point that could almost be every book. I’m always looking for food mentions when I read; it’s the nature of the beast. A couple of years ago I participated in the topic Yummy Food Mentioned in Books, so I’ll try to avoid choosing the same ones here. Like I said there are a lot of books that make me hungry…

Let’s get to it!
Sister Pie: The Recipes and Stories of a Big-Hearted Bakery in Detroit by Lisa Ludwinski
I’m starting with a cookbook, or A Baking Book, as it’s called, and I’m starting here because I really really miss popping into Sister Pie on weekends and getting a slice of pie… and a scone… and a hand pie… and usually several cookies. I’ve recently found myself flipping through this cookbook for fun (slash torturing myself). This Detroit bakeshop’s pies are the best, and this lovely little book is the key to making them at home. I should probably just get on that.
I Loved, I Lost, I Made Spaghetti by Giulia Melucci
How could you not think about food with this as the title? This was the first food memoir I ever read, and it really spoke to me. I thought it was funny and relatable, and I loved that it was full of tempting Italian recipes.
Eat Like a Gilmore by Kristi Carlson
Another cookbook, but one that also happens to be full of recipes from my favorite TV show! When this cookbook first came out a few years ago, I excitedly preordered it. I then roped my wonderful friend Deanna into a weekend-long Gilmore cooking adventure, where we made several recipes (for a mini blog series) and watched our favorite episodes. So not only does this book make me think of food, but there are several lovely memories attached as well.
The Rules of Magic by Alice Hoffman
This is one that's probably not obvious right off the bat, but it always makes me think of Tipsy Chocolate Cake. While it is not exactly a central part of the book, it is mentioned a few times and sounded delicious, so I ended up making it to go along with my review, and it has since become one of my most popular posts. Lots of people looking for boozy chocolate cake recipes, I guess — and I don't blame them!
Julie & Julia by Julie Powell
I actually watched this movie before I read the book, but either one of them can send me into an instant hunger — and inspire me to get into the kitchen. Julie makes hundreds of recipes cooking her way through Julia Child’s cookbook; I bet your mouth will be watering by the time you finish even one chapter.
A Homemade Life by Molly Wizenberg
This food memoir is punctuated with recipes, and all of them sound absolutely amazing. I have only made two of the recipes (meatballs and French toast), but they were each delicious and a sign that I should probably give some more of them a try.
Relish: My Life in the Kitchen by Lucy Knisley
Lucy Knisley is a talented artist who was raised by foodies — and, of course, became a foodie herself. Her cooking chronicles are endearing, and so much of the food she focuses on both looked and sounded amazing. This graphic novel includes an illustrated recipe at the end of each chapter, and the chocolate chip cookie recipe she includes is definitely one of the best I’ve ever had.
Goodbye, Vitamin by Rachel Khong
This might seem like a weird inclusion, and actually it’s often the reverse of the prompt: when I make the food that I think of the book. And I make the food more often than I should probably admit. In this short novel, the main character Ruth makes "the most dangerous cake in the world," aka a chocolate cake that you make in a mug in the microwave in 90 seconds. It takes no more than 5 minutes to get together, cook, and allow a little bit of cooling time. It’s a very yummy chocolate cake. It’s the perfect amount for one. It’s especially good with a scoop of ice cream on top.
Sourdough by Robin Sloan
I have never attempted sourdough bread, not even after reading this book — I used store bought sourdough to make grilled cheese. Even so, the whole book really glorifies the process and if the main character Lois, who is a software developer, can make it, I probably can too. As sourdough has been on everyone’s minds in recent months, my mind has continued to go back to this novel. Perhaps I will finally be inspired!
Sweet Cream and Sugar Cones by Anne Walker, Dabney Gough, and Kris Hoogerhyde
My last pick is also a cookbook, and it’s all about ice cream — delicious ice cream, which has been my obsession ever since I made my first a few years ago. This cookbook comes from the owners of Bi-Rite Creamery, a wonderful ice cream shop in San Francisco. Whenever I think of ice cream, I think of this cookbook, and obviously, it makes me crave ice cream whenever I think of it. You can’t go wrong with a recipe from this one (as long as you follow the directions!).
What are some books that have made you hungry? Please share with me in the comments below!
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Mine were the Cheese Shop Mysteries! I LOOOOOVE cheese and she had so many good ones in there as well as some good wines. I actually made notes as I read!
I love this post. I actually have a copy of I Loved, I Lost, I Made Spghetti on my shelf -- one of my girlfriends let me borrow it and is desperate for me to read it. I'll hopefully read it soon! Also, Knisley wrote Kid Gloves, which I loved, so now I'm adding the rest of her works to my TBR.
Of all the books on this list, I've only actually read Sourdough. I was shocked at how much I enjoyed it. Cooky. Strange. Beautiful. Heartwarming. But you should totally try making sourdough, even if it's just for a few weeks. See if anyone you know locally has some starter they'd be willing to split for you. It's super easy. I promise. Plus, you could always just make sourdough discard recipes instead of proper bread if that's too intimidating!
I loved Kid Gloves too! I read it when I was newly pregnant. I definitely want to check out more of her work.
I am going to look into a sourdough starter — thanks for the inspiration! We're getting into prime baking season now, so it's perfect timing.
Amen to that. I had my Sourdough starter over the summer. We don't have AC. I had forgotten what heat does to baking. Yeah... it was a rough series of breads, let me tell you. XD Eventually I remembered that humidity and heat affect baking but it took a while!