It’s been a little while since I participated in Top Ten Tuesday, but I’m excited to be back and I’m super excited about this topic! This week is a freebie, and since I missed May 28th’s topic, I’m doing a mini-throwback to that one: My 10 Favorite Books Released in the Last 10 Years. It’s one I was really excited to dive into.

We’re supposed to be limiting it to one book per year, and honestly, I did my best, but for two of the years I just couldn’t decide, so I’m going with a tie. As a bonus, you get two extra wonderful books this week! Without further ado, here are some of my favorite books published within the past decade:
2019: A Woman Is No Man & The Dreamers (tied)
Obviously these two books are very different, but both were 5-star reads for me so far this year. They’re also both thought-provoking and would make great discussion at a book club.
A Woman Is No Man review + recipe
The Dreamers review + recipe
2018: Educated
I was so excited to get an early copy of this from NetGalley and it was one of my first reads last year. It absolutely blew me away. What a story! review + recipe
2017: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo & The Heart’s Invisible Furies (tied)
At first glance, these two novels also seem quite different, but both tell a life story, of growth and of finding oneself. I loved them both and I couldn’t decide.
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo review + recipe
The Heart’s Invisible Furies review + recipe
2016: Small Great Things
I think this may have been my first 5-star read while reviewing for the blog. I couldn’t shut up about it and I still can’t shut up about. A must-read. review + recipe
2015: The Nightingale
If you don’t already know me (through my blog or personally), you’re probably discovering I like quite a few serious reads. This WWII novel was tragic and gripping, and was featured in one of my first blog posts. review + recipe
2014: The Martian
I’m considering re-reading this one, just so I can feature a potato-centric recipe on the blog… but also because it was truly amazing and I would love to experience this story again.
2013: The Rosie Project
This novel had me cracking up on the NYC subway, and it’s still my go-to recommendation for a light-hearted, easy read.
2012: The Age of Miracles
Even though this was published 4 years before I started The Hungry Bookworm, this novel (which was a rare re-read for me!) was featured in my very first post. And it’s the reason I couldn’t wait to pick up The Dreamers, mentioned above. Karen Thompson Walker, bravo! review + recipe
2011: Ready Player One
When I read this book, I couldn’t put it down. Literally. I read it start-to-finish on a bus ride, and I’ve never had 4 hours fly by so quickly. What a wonderful travel companion it was 🙂
2010: The Kitchen House
A unique look at the slavery era in America, I was completely captivated by Kathleen Grissom’s storytelling. review + recipe
What were some of your favorite books published in the last decade? I'd love to hear in the comments below!
Top Ten Tuesday is an original weekly blog meme that was created at The Broke and the Bookish but is now hosted over at The Artsy Reader Girl. I participate about once a month, but each week there is a fun new bookish topic for bloggers to create literary lists about. If you’d like to know more about it, check it out here.
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The Martian was amazing! Have you seen the film based on it yet? It was somehow just as good as the book...and I don't normally say that about adaptations!
I have seen the movie, and I did think it was really good too! Definitely a rarity for a book-movie adaptation.
I've heard so many great things about Ready Player One. I watched the movie, but I'm told the book is so much better. Great post!
The book is much better than the movie, but they're also just quite different. I think it would've been pretty hard to capture everything from the book in the movie, so they had to make adjustments (which I understand and wasn't mad about). If you liked the movie, though, there's no reason to think you wouldn't like the book! Definitely recommend checking it out 🙂
I'd love to see a potato recipe based on The Martian! I always thought Matt Damon was the perfect Mark Watney 🙂 Ready Player One is one of my all-time favorites. It's not perfect, but it's just so fun to read.
Matt Damon did do a wonderful job. I'll have to try harder to re-read it this year. I was trying to make it a goal to re-read books this year, and I was aiming for 1 per month, but so far I've only re-read 1 book all year... The Martian could be my second! 😛
I absolutely loved The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and The Age of Miracles. I guess that means I should be picking up The Dreamers soon!
Yes, you definitely should! Hope you enjoy 🙂
I only know of 4 books in this list Evelyn Hugo, The nightingale, The Martian and Ready player one all great reads!
The Rosie Project was indeed a hilarious read and if you like the occasional WWII novel - All the Light We Cannot See is beautifully written. It's hard to think of the best books but some of the ones that I've experienced most strongly are The Help, The Time Traveller's Wife and Me Before You. Not too many happy endings come to think of it, although I am not generally a grim person 🙂
I loved this topic too!! It was so fun to go back and find my fave books over the last decade. Anyway, YES to rereading The Martian and doing a potato recipe!! That's a perfect idea-- plus, I love carbs. RPO was one of my faves too. I just read it 1 year and a half ago and was kicking myself for waiting so long!!
So many good picks here. I had a similar issue when I looked back on my best books of the last ten years--I had a lot of ties and I was basically just like, YEAH, THIS COUNTS. Also, 2017 was a really great reading year and I agree 100% about both The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and The Heart’s Invisible Furies. They were both so... ugh. Gorgeous. The feelings I got the first time I read both of them were so indescribable.